Creative Solutions That Benefit Everyone!
Risk & Insurance | Employee Benefits
Retirement & Private Wealth
Ready for tomorrow.
45170 Cass Avenue Utica, MI 48317
Phone (586) 992-0404 Fax (586) 992-0606
Creative Benefits & Insurance Solutions is committed to serving the needs and priorities of you and your organization. We are devoted to developing solutions that deliver competitive products without sacrificing quality and to providing a level of service that is irreplaceable.


Emergency Claim Numbers

Accident Fund: 866-221-9640

Arrowhead/QBE: 844-723-2524

Benchmark: 800-283-0622

Chubb: 844-539-3801

Conifer: 877-263-6468

First Comp: 888-500-3344

Foremost: 800-527-3907

Grand River: 800-570-9792

Grange: 800-445-3030

Guide One: 888-748-4326

Hartford: 800-327-3636

K&K: 800-237-2917

Liberty Mutual: 800-362-0000

Merchants: 800-952-5246

Philadelphia: 800-765-9749 Option 3

PrimeOne Insurance Company: 855-937-1393

Progressive: 800-444-4487

Safeco: 800-332-3226

Travelers: 800-238-6225

US Assure / Zurich Builders Risk: 800-987-3373

Emergency Phone
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